About Us

REWOŚ co. LTD. launched in 20 July 1998, when together with Jerzy Wysocki we decided to invest in the development of wastewater purification technologies. For this purpose we applied the extensive knowledge that we both gained in the course of specialized study and subsequent professional experience. Jerzy was focused on merioration and I represented our direction - Chemical Engineering Process. We complemented each other very well. We gave a particular focus on the water ecology - Ecohydrology.

REWOŚ stands for each of a first letter of the following words
Recultivation, Ecology, Water, Organic waste, Śewage.

In a very short time we have selected a team of construction engineers with specialisations, such as: constructor, architect, electrician, automatic and sanitary engineer. We designed the first sewage purification plant, then the second and the third. Each of them were more successful and continually improved towards our goal of perfection compared to the previous one. Unfortunately, on 3 of December 2011 my partner and co-founder of our patent died.

Since then, the business of REWOŚ is run by myself. I continue the principles of business operation that were generated together. Perfecting engineering wastewater to the extent required to bring wastewater to the environment of the state, which allows them to use this for domestic purposes.

Usually, after a few years after the launching the installation, the section towards the resultant water is drained, fish appear at the levels previously unseen..

The idea of ​​engineering of the wastewater from the very beginning was based on the experiences and observations made on surface waters, both standing and flowing. This enabled the optimization of purification processes allowing us to maximize the efficiency of the process while minimizing costs.

Janusz Jerzy

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