Modernizacja SBR

Today's problem is one of upgrading the sewage treatment plants including working in the SBR system (Sequential Batch Reactor). The SBR system, in a nutshell, is to conduct the process of wastewater treatment in one tank, which sequentially cyclically produce successive phases of treatment. SBR requires the stability of the waste water at entry in terms of volume and terms of oxygen demand (BOD concentration5).

If there is no stability above this treatment, the SBR does not fulfil its role in a satisfactory manner, and sometimes in situations such as torrential rainfall you have to discharge raw sewage into the receiving unit (the so-called. by pass) to prevent its flooding. This leads to biological threat.

Moreover, demand for disposal of waste water in the area can be increased as a function of connecting new users to the sewer supporting the needs of the livestock and food industry. Wastewater treatment SBR is inelastic, not resistant to time pressure of the overload accumulation as well as increasing the demand for fixed medium bandwidth for it to operate properly.

The primary factor, which is the basis of the needs of the modernisation of the sewage treatment plant SBR is its low efficiency at high operating costs (ok. 1,5 PLN / m3) and with a high degree of operational capability. Virtually every type of the SBR treatment the can be upgraded, resulting in the sewage treatment plant for engineering by REWOŚ, incomparably more flexible, efficient and cost-effective operation. Nasza modernizacja da zmianę jakościową oraz:

  • wykorzysta istniejącą infrastrukturę (zbiorniki)
  • pozwoli przejść do nowej technologii bez konieczności wywożenia ścieków w okresie trwania modernizacji
  • zapewni absolutny brak uciążliwości dla otoczenia, brak emisji złowonnych zapachów na zewnątrz oczyszczalni
  • zapewni 2 do 4 razy większą przepustowość, przez co nieporównywalną z SBR elastyczność (odporność na przeciążenia)
  • will provide several times lower cleaning energy consumption compared to SBR,pl ( ok 0.3 kWh na 1 m3 oczyszczonych ścieków)
  • zapewni wysokiej jakości oczyszczanie w pełni zgodne z normami
  • wielokrotne przechodzenie z obszaru mineralizacji beztlenowej do tlenowej i odwrotnie zapewni praktycznie całkowite unieszkodliwienie: bakterii, wirusów, jaj pasożytów etc..
  • zapewni możliwość przyjmowania ścieków dowożonych również przemysłowych

REWOŚ co. LTD. with use of the patent No. RP 197513 successfully modernized two treatment SBR (Długosiodło 2005 r., Zatory 2013 r.). As a result of the modernisation of installations, the plant achieved fully automated operations, based on existing building structures, adding the secondary settling tank, that had a bandwidth of 100 [m³/d] as a result has obtained bandwidth 500 [m³/d] and operates reliably from the moment of putting them into use.

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